Jesus and His disciples decided to move to Galilee because of the rumour carried by the Pharisees that he now baptizes more than John. On their journey to Galilee, it became apparent that they pass through Samaria. Jesus being famished (his disciples too) rested by a well as his followers made their way to get food wherever possible. Then, there comes the woman of Samaria and a conversation ensured between them. This is recorded in John 4: 7 – 26.
So, Jesus was in need of water, and a woman who according to His people’s custom, he’s not supposed to relate with was the one who could help him there and then. He asked her for water to quench His thirst. She brought to his consciousness (in case he had forgotten) that their customs forbid their conversation. He, seeing the barrier this has caused on her and her people offered to let her in on what he knows (a serving grace). He offered her a chance/opportunity to be a kingdom’s citizen in form of proverbial “living water”. Her shallow mind couldn’t come to terms with this and was busy going about the bush. Jesus seeing her ignorance and her unwillingness to see reasons with him, outlined one of the benefits of having the living water (spiritually, water is used to signify life), the ability to know things by the power of that Living Water. He tried to make her understand that even if he doesn’t know her from Adam, He could tell a story of her –He told her about her life with men. With this, she had a new perception of Him, she simply just waved Jesus’ saying by categorizing him as one of those who has the ability to see things –the likes of prophets, soothsayers etc. that was all she could see! She then goes religious by opening one of the many wounds of dispute between their people: of where they think is the best place to worship the Most High God. He, not wanting to go to that argument simply made her understands that the bone of contention is not valid as they (the Samaritans) don’t know the God they claim to be worshiping.
To explain/give some details about the God which His people claim to serve, in verse 24, he said: ‘God is a spirit”. This implies that God is beyond what can be seen. Continuing, “And they that worship Him must worship Him in truth and in spirit”. So because God is spirit, a person who claims he worships Him must do so in spirit and in truth.
So, how does one worship God in spirit? As earlier cited, since God is beyond what is seen, then if we want to worship him, it should be done beyond what is seen –in our thoughts, emotions and sub-conscious mind. He’s too big a god to be contained in things/buildings/edifices made by man, nay, that’s not the God Jesus, is talking to the woman about. In truth means in sincerity of it! God knows His people and He communicates with them through mediums that cannot be seen physically –dreams, visions, small still voice etc. until one can relate with God through any or all of these mediums, his acclaimed fellowship with God is in check.
----As inspired by the Holy Spirit
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