Thursday, 28 January 2016

Marry Atleast Two wives Or Face Life Imprisonment!

In this day and age when people see monogamy plus having side chicks/girlfriends by the side as the in-thing, a country has stood out with a new law on polygamy.

The other day, the internet left many men excited with the news that the government of Eritrea has given their men a reason to be happy passed a new law that their men MUST marry at least two wives or live the rest of their lives behind bars...yes, life imprisonment with hard labour! And wait for this...the woman who tries to prevent her husband from marrying another Oyoyo Tomato Jos is not left out as she risks living the remainder of her life in the "comfort" of the prison. The government assured the men that it would pay for the marriage ceremonies and houses, though.

                          Eritrean ladies. photo credit:

Eritrea is a country in the horn of Africa bordered by Sudan in the west, Ethiopia in the south, and Djibouti in the southeast and the northeastern. The eastern parts have an extensive coastline along the Red Sea, across from Saudi Arabia and Yemen. According to, Eritrea is among the top 10 countries with the most beautiful girls in the world [and number 1 in Africa]. In their words, "...the woman are talented with various fashion models and beauty pageants. Eritrea is ranked at sixth number in the list of top 10 countries with most beautiful girls in the world. The best thing about the girls in Eritrea is their curvaceous bodies."

The law is not unconnected with the fact that more than 150,000 Eritrean soldiers were killed during the secession war from Ethiopia between 1998 and 2000. At the time Eritrea had about four million people.

The shortage of men, given the above fact, coupled with the probable sighting of what the future holds in that respect must have compelled the authorities to carry out a protective measure; the law must be respected.

But then, in as much I, personally, do not support the idea of polygamy because of its development of rivalry among the wives and its adverse effect on the children, as seen in our traditional custom setting (though there exist some advantages), it far better than a society that has strong stance on monogamy but have its environment "littered" with married men who "chop" young unmarried girls like biscuits because these girls have to survive anyways.


 A statement in Arabic of the new law by the Grand Mufti (the highest official of religious law in the country). In the statement, Eritrea called for all men in the country to marry at least two wives and the government assured the men that it would pay for the marriage ceremonies and houses.

                          photo credit: punch newspaper Nigeria

The document in Arabic, (see photo above) which is in Arabic, says, 

“Based on the law of God in polygamy, and given the circumstances which the country is experiencing in terms of men shortage, the Eritrean department of Religious Affairs has decided on the following:
“First that every man shall marry at least two women and the man who refuses to do so shall be subjected to life imprisonment with hard labour.
“The woman who tries to prevent her husband from marrying another wife shall be punished to life imprisonment.”

The Eritrean story on polygamy might be a hoax after all;  however, my point on the issue of monogamy in this day and age stands.

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