Monday 18 May 2015


 In the primary four class of a state-owned school, the teacher, Uncle Preye, is teaching the pupils Nutrition, a topic under Primary Science. The class is lively as the pupils take turns to give answer to questions asked by their uncle and everything is good. The class continues that way until the uncle asks the last but not the least question

What is food poisoning? Uncle Preye asks. To his surprise, all the pupils, Fifty-eight in the class, raise their hands to give the answer including Mufutau who is regarded as the last olodo. The teacher is amazed at their show of eagerness owing to the fact that he actually saved the hardest question for the last. In his curiosity to know their answer, he points at Oby to stand and give the answer. With a big smile on her face, she stands and says: "Food poisoning is when someone goes to Babalawo's place, give the Baba some money and collect juju, then go home, put it in someone else's food, he eats and die". The pupils in the class jam their hands together for her, but Mufutau stands in protest that Oby's answer is not correct yet, insisting that she missed a key word; to give the correct answer, he says: "Food poisoning is when someone collects otumokpo from Babalawo place, put it in another person's food, the person eats and die". The teacher is dumbfounded and his eyes nearly pop out of his head in shock.

Sincerely, that was my view on food poisoning when I was much younger, all thanks to those Nigerian Home Videos I watched that more often than not cook up yeye and fake storylines with detriment to our thinking. It was later I got to know that Food Poisoning is an illness caused by bacteria or other toxins in food, typically with vomiting and diarrhoea. Or simply put, it is an illness caused by eating contaminated food.

So here's a warning for us: watch movies for entertainment purpose and do NOT totally believe all you see on the screen, especially those from Nigeria film industry called Nollywood; if you do, oh boy, you are cruising on Fourth Mainland Bridge!

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